Open-Source eBook PDF File
Book Chapters
Benchmarking Neuromorphic Computing for Inference
by Simon Narduzzi, Loreto Mateu, Petar Jokic, Erfan Azarkhish, and Andrea Dunbar
Benchmarking the Epiphany Processor as a Reference Neuromorphic Architecture
by Maarten Molendijk, Kanishkan Vadivel, Federico Corradi, Gert-Jan van Schaik, Amirreza Yousefzadeh, and Henk Corporaal
Temporal Delta Layer: Exploiting Temporal Sparsity in Deep Neural Networks for Time-Series Data
by Preetha Vijayan, Amirreza Yousefzadeh, Manolis Sifalakis, and Rene van Leuken
An End-to-End AI-based Automated Process for Semiconductor Device Parameter Extraction
by Dinu Purice, Matthias Ludwig, and Claus Lenz
AI Machine Vision System for Wafer Defect Detection
by Dmitry Morits, Marcelo Rizzo Piton, and Timo Laakko
Failure Detection in Silicon Package
by Saad Al-Baddai and Jan Papadoudis
S2ORC-SemiCause: Annotating and Analysing Causality in the Semiconductor Domain
by Xing Lan Liu, Eileen Salhofer, Anna Safont Andreu, and Roman Kern
Feasibility of Wafer Exchange for European Edge AI Pilot Lines
by Annika Franziska Wandesleben1*, Delphine Truffier-Boutry2*, Varvara Brackmann, Benjamin Lilienthal-Uhlig, Manoj Jaysnkar, Stephan Beckx, Ivan Madarevic, Audde Demarest, Bernd Hintze, Franck Hochschulz, Yannick Le Tiec, Alessio Spessot, and Fabrice Nemouchi
A Framework for Integrating Automated Diagnosis into Simulation
by David Kaufmann and Franz Wotawa
Deploying a Convolutional Neural Network on Edge MCU and Neuromorphic Hardware Platforms
by Simon Narduzzi, Dorvan Favre, Nuria Pazos Escudero and L. Andrea Dunbar
Efficient Edge Deployment Demonstrated on YOLOv5 and Coral Edge TPU
by Ruben Prokscha, Mathias Schneider, and Alfred Höß
Embedded Edge Intelligent Processing for End-To-End Predictive Maintenance in Industrial Applications
by Ovidiu Vermesan and Marcello Coppola
AI-Driven Strategies to Implement a Grapevine Downy Mildew Warning System
by Luiz Angelo Steffenel, Axel Langlet, Lilian Hollard, Lucas Mohimont, Nathalie Gaveau, Marcello Copola, Clément Pierlot, and Marine Rondeau
On the Verification of Diagnosis Models
by Franz Wotawa and Oliver Tazl
e-ISBN: 9788770227902