eBook Description
The book describes the evolution of economic theory, considering historical, political, and scientific perspectives. It discusses economic concepts and the formation of economics as a discipline since the feudal system, passing through the formation of the State, until the present. The main economic concepts are presented, including microeconomics, macroeconomics, econometrics, privatization, taxes, tariffs, the concept of currencies, stock markets, international transactions, and economic policies. The book contains a complete glossary of economic terms to help the reader.
Table of Contents
- Preface
- List of Figures
- 1 The Universe of Economics
- 1 Introduction
- 2 The World of Economics
- 3 The Economic Universe
- 4 The Density of Wealth
- 5 Singularities in Communications
- 6 Singular Wealth
- 7 In the End it will be Chaos
- 8 When Light Bowed to Ceará
- 2 History of the Economic Formation
- 1 Introduction
- 2 The Ancient Feudal System and the Formation of the State
- 3 The End of the Feudal System and the Start of Democracy
- 4 The Development of the Post Feudal Economy
- 5 The Current Feudal System
- 6 About Tulips and Virtual Currency
- 3 On Capitalism
- 1 Introduction
- 2 Capitalism for Beginners
- 3 Economic Determinism and Wealth and Income Distribution
- 4 Virtual Companies Exploit the Real Work of Users
- 5 Virtual Companies Violate Classic Economics
- 6 How the Money of Private Companies Leave the Country
- 7 Corruption is Endemic in the Private
- 8 Tricks for Avoiding Taxes
- 4 The Main Concepts in Economics
- 1 Introduction
- 2 Definitions Associated with Economics
- 2.1 Macroeconomics
- 2.2 Microeconomics
- 2.3 Econometrics
- 3 Activities of Economic Nature
- 4 Economic Conditions
- 5 Economic Sectors
- 6 Utility and Value
- 7 Productive Economic Activity
- 5 Basic Mathematical Analysis
- 1 Basic Concepts in Economy
- 2 Demand Curves
- 3 Supply Curves
- 4 Average and Marginal Costs
- 5 Market Equilibrium
- 6 Simple and Compound Interests
- 7 Income Distribution
- 8 Consumption and Savings
- 9 Model for the Future Price of Stock
- 6 Microeconomics
- 1 Introduction
- 2 The Concept of Microeconomics
- 2.1 The Consumer and the Demand Curve
- 2.2 The Company and the Supply Curve
- 2.3 Production and the Cost Curve
- 3 Costs Associated to Managing Companies
- 4 Definitions Associated to the Capital of a Company
- 5 Company Accounting
- 6 Business Companies
- 7 Operations in the Stock Market
- 8 Financial Institutions
- 9 Competition or Not
- 7 Macroeconomics
- 1 Introduction
- 2 Concept of Macroeconomics
- 3 Operations in the Governmental Scope
- 4 About Currency
- 4.1 Cryptocurrency
- 4.2 Financial Operations with Currency
- 5 Public Accounts
- 6 Public Debt
- 7 Taxation
- 8 Remuneration of Capital
- 9 Profit and Capital Investment
- 10 Current Market Economy
- 11 Economic Policies
- 12 Income and Revenue
- 13 International Transactions
- 8 Taxes and Income Distribution
- 1 Introduction
- 2 About Fair Taxes
- 3 Income Distribution in the Economy
- 4 We Are All Bank Employees
- 5 About Paintings and Computers
- 6 The Material and the Virtual
- 7 Economic Differentials for Development
- 8 Mobile Economy
- 9 Analysis of the Economic Results of Privatization
- 1 Introduction
- 2 Privatization in Great Britain
- 3 Privatization in Brazil
- 4 The Companies that Dominate the Telecommunications Sector in Brazil
- 5 Lack of Investment Paralyzed Brazil
- 6 About Privatizations, Service Charges and Taxes
- 7 Whom Privatizations Served?
- 8 Anatel Played the Operator's Game
- 10 Mathematical Economy
- 1 Introduction
- 2 Econometrics
- 3 Stochastic Modelling of the Productive Process
- 4 Statistical Correlation Analysis
- 4.1 The Autocorrelation Function
- 4.2 Stationarity
- 4.2.1 Wide Sense Stationarity
- 4.2.2 Stationarity Degrees
- 4.2.3 Ergodic Processes
- 4.3 Properties of the Autocorrelation
- 4.4 Model for the Prediction of Random Series
- 5 Study of Losses in the Production Line of a Large Footwear Company
- 5.1 Introduction
- 5.2 Production System
- 5.3 Performance Comparison
- 5.4 Study of Statistical Correlation
- 5.5 Analysis Using Stochastic Integration
- 5.6 Stochastic Model for the Reject Problem
- 5.7 Diagnostic
- 5.8 Obtained Results
- 6 Evaluation of the Stochastic Models
- 7 The Influence of the Combination of Errors
- 8 Model to Estimate the Number, Lifespan or Creation Rate
- 8.1 Introduction
- 8.2 Methodology
- 8.3 The Stochastic Model
- 8.4 Results
- 8.5 Discussion
About the Author
Marcelo Sampaio de Alencar received his bachelor's degree in Electrical Engineering from Universidade Federal de Pernambuco (UFPE), Brazil, 1980; his master's degree in Electrical Engineering from Universidade Federal da Paraiba (UFPB), Brazil, 1988; and his Ph.D. from the University of Waterloo, Canada, 1994. He worked for the Department of Electrical Engineering, Federal University of Paraiba (UFPB); for the Federal University of Campina Grande (UFCG); for the State University of Santa Catarina (UDESC); and for the Federal University of Bahia (UFBA). He was visiting professor atthe University of Toronto and is now visiting professor at the Senai Cimatec, Salvador, Brazil. He is founder and President of the Institute for Advanced Studies in Communications (Iecom). He has been awarded several scholarships and grants from the Brazilian National Council for Scientific and Technological Research (CNPq), from the IEEE Foundation, from the University of Waterloo, and from the Federal University of Paraiba. He received an achievement award from the Brazilian Telecommunications Society (SBrT), an award from the Medicine College of the Federal University of Campina Grande (UFCG), and an achievement award from the College of Engineering of the Federal University of Pernambuco. He published over 500 engineering and scientific papers and 26 books. He also wrote chapters for 12 books. He served on the Board of Directors of SBrT and on the SBMO Council. He is a Registered Professional Engineer, and he was a columnist for the traditional Brazilian newspaper Jornal do Commercio. He is a laureate of the prestigious 2014 Attilio Giarola Medal of the Brazilian Microwave and Optoelectronics Society (SBMO).
e-ISBN: 9788770224048