The theme of this book is to "operate wisely". The goal is to instill not only "know how" but "know why". The main details have been provided by the original author, Mr. Ken Heselton. This updated version has been somewhat expanded to include a wider range of examples and some of the more recent environmental requirements.
To illustrate these points, topics include multi boiler operations, understanding the plant load, maintenance issues, and controls. Every plant is different. However, it is hoped that with the information provided in this book, the wise operator will be able to address the various unique issues posed by the specific plant and provide timely solutions to meet the present-day requirements.
Table of Contents
- Chapter 1 — Operating Wisely
- Why Wisely?
- Prioritizing
- Safety
- Measurements
- Trends And Charting
- Flow
- Pressure Drop And Flow
- What Comes Naturally
- Water, Steam, and Energy
- The Steam and Water Cycle
- Combustion
- The Central Boiler Plant
- Electricity
- Documentation
- Standard Operating Procedures
- Disaster Plans
- Logs
- Chapter 2 — Boiler Plant Operations
- Operating Modes
- Valve Manipulation
- New Startup
- Dead Plant Startup
- Normal Boiler Startup
- Emergency Boiler Startup
- Normal Operation
- Safety Testing
- Idle Systems
- Superheating
- Switching Fuels
- Standby Operation
- Rotating Boilers
- Bottom Blow Off
- Continuous (Surface) Blowdown
- Annual Inspection
- Operating During Maintenance and Repair
- Code Repairs
- Pressure Testing
- Lay Up
- Tune Ups
- Auxiliary Turbine Operation
- Power Turbine Operation
- Chapter 3 — What the Wise Operator Knows
- Know The Load
- Know The Plant
- Matching Equipment to the Load
- Efficiency
- Performance Monitoring
- Modernizing and Upgrading
- Chapter 4 — Special Systems
- Special Systems
- Vacuum Systems
- Hydronic Heating
- Boiler Water Circulating Pumps
- HTHW Boiler Plants
- Organic Fluid Heaters and Vaporizers
- Service Water Heating
- Waste Heat Service
- Once-Through Boilers
- Engines and Emergency Generators
- Gas Turbines
- HRSGS and Combined Cycle Plants
- Chapter 5 — Refrigeration And Air Conditioning
- Refrigerants
- The Refrigeration Cycle
- Refrigerant Superheat and Sub-Cooling
- Evaporators
- Freezing and Ice Storage
- Compressors
- Condensers
- Throttling Devices
- Miscellaneous Components of a Refrigeration System
- Cooling Towers
- Air Conditioning
- Chapter 6 — Maintenance
- Maintenance
- Cleaning
- Instructions and Specifications
- Lock Out, Tag Out
- Lubrication
- Insulation
- Refractory
- Packing
- Controls and Instrumentation
- Lighting and Electrical Equipment
- Voltage and Current Imbalance
- Eddy Current Testing
- Miscellaneous
- Replacements
- Maintaining Efficiency
- Records
- Chapter 7 — Consumables
- Fuels
- Fuel Gases
- Fuel Oil
- Coal
- Other Solid Fuels
- Water
- Treatment Chemicals
- Miscellaneous
- Chapter 8 — Water Treatment
- Water Treatment
- Water Testing
- Pretreatment
- Boiler Feed Tanks and Deaerators
- Blowdown
- Chemical Treatment
- Preventing Corrosion
- Preventing Scale Formation
- Chapter 9 — Strength of Materials
- Strength of Materials
- Stress
- Cylinders Under Internal Pressure
- Cylinders Under External Pressure
- Piping Flexibility
- Chapter 10 — Plants And Equipment
- Types of Boiler Plants
- Boilers
- Heat Transfer In Boilers
- Circulation
- Boiler Construction
- Fire Tube Boilers
- Water Tube Boilers
- Trim
- Heat Traps
- Burners
- Pumps
- Fans and Blowers
- Cogeneration
- Gas Turbines, Engines, and HRSGs
- Chapter 11 — Controls
- Controls
- Self-Contained Controls
- Control Linearity
- Steam Pressure Maintenance
- Fluid Temperature Maintenance
- Fluid Level Maintenance
- Burner Management
- Firing Rate Control—General
- Firing Rate Control—Low Fire Start
- Firing Rate Control—High/Low
- Firing Rate Control—Burner Cut Out
- Firing Rate Control—Jackshaft
- Establishing Linearity
- Startup Control
- Firing Rate Control— Parallel Positioning
- Firing Rate Control—Add Air Metering
- Firing Rate Control— Inferential Metering
- Firing Rate Control— Steam Flow/Air Flow
- Firing Rate Control—Full Metering
- Firing Rate Control—Dual Fuel Firing
- Firing Rate Control—Choice Fuel Firing
- Firing Rate Control—Oxygen Trim
- Draft Control
- Feed Water Pressure Controls
- Instrumentation
- Chapter 12 — Why They Fail
- Why They Fail
- Low Water
- Thermal Shock
- Corrosion and Wear
- Operator Error and Poor Maintenance
- Appendix A — Properties of Water and Steam
- Properties of Water and Steam
- Appendix B — Water Pressure Per Foot Head
- Appendix C — Nominal Capacities of Pipe
- Appendix D — Properties of Pipe
- Properties of Pipe
- Appendix E — Secondary Ratings
- Appendix F — Pressure Ratings for Various Pipe Materials
- Appendix G — Square Root Flow Curve
- Appendix H — Square Root Graph Paper
- Appendix I — Viscosity Conversions
- Appendix J — Thermal Expansion of Materials
- Appendix K — Value Conversions
- Appendix L — Excess Air/O2 Curve
- Appendix M — Properties of Dowtherm A
- Appendix N — Properties of Dowtherm J
- Appendix O — Chemical Tank Mixing Table
- Appendix P — Suggested Mnemonic Abbreviations
- Appendix Q — Specific Heats of Some Common Materials
- Appendix R — Design Temperatures and Degree Days
- Appendix S — Code Symbol Stamps
- Bibliography
- Abbreviation
- Index
- Biography

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Author Biography
Carl Bozzuto has been in the power industry for over 50 years. He started his career at Combustion Engineering, the leading boiler manufacturing company. He was on startup on the first commercial SO2 scrubber in the US in the late 60s. He has held various positions in CE and its successor companies (ABB, Alstom) including General Manager of Fluid Bed Boilers and Vice President of Technology. He has been on the Board of Directors of the Council of Industrial Boiler Owners (CIBO) and is currently an Honorary Member. Since his retirement, he has been a class instructor for Electric Utility Consultants, Inc., teaching courses in boilers, coal power plants, combined cycle plants, and HRSGs. He was editor-in-chief and an author of the award winning textbook Clean Combustion Technologies. He is currently a judge for the Carbon XPRIZE for the XPRIZE Foundation. In 2020, Mr. Bozzuto was honored with the Albert Nelson Marquis Lifetime Achievement Award.
Editor: Carl Bozzuto
e-ISBN: 9788770225908