Earn 2 PDH | .2 CEU
Benchmarking is the energy manager, building owner, facility manager, building operator, end-user consultant, energy service provider, utility, State energy officials, and any other key stakeholder’s ruler to measure building performance quickly and accurately. In this course, the fundamentals around energy data, metrics, and energy benchmarking will be discussed. In addition, common pitfalls will be revealed, along with some ideas on how to avoid them. Options to facilitate benchmarking requirements and reporting, such as software, are also provided. Whether you are looking for training on benchmarking due to the value it provides the energy & operations team, or because you have a pending or existing mandate, this training course will help start you on your benchmarking journey.
Why take this course?
- Benchmarking, and other forms of data analysis, have shown to have proven results in identifying ways to save energy.
- They are a low effort and low/no cost way to start your energy management journey.
- Verify energy savings and prevent entropy (decline in savings year over year).
- They are an integral part of your overall Strategic Energy Plan (SEP).
When the student completes this course, they will be able to:
- Be able to explain why energy benchmarking is vital for identifying areas of energy efficiency improvement, cost savings, and the impact buildings have on emissions & sustainability.
- Understand the value of energy data.
- Know how to analyze and benchmark energy data for insights.
- Understand different types of metrics and how to utilize them.
- Overview
- Why?
- Terminology
- The Basics
- Spreadsheet and Profiles
- Metrics and Benchmarking
- Significant Energy Users
- EPA Portfolio Manager & Energy / Utility Software
- Reporting
- Additional Thoughts
- Conclusions
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