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About Seminar (2 modules, 2hrs each)
This course was recorded from a live webinar that may include discussions from attendees.
This webinar is designed to provide you with an understanding of the principles behind energy metric (measurement) systems, and also how to correctly and easily prepare and use many different metrics for tracking energy use and energy reduction progress.
Managing and reducing energy use and its resulting carbon footprint is a goal that virtually all organizations are well advised to pursue. No matter what such a program’s context or scope, it is critical that any energy management program incorporates useful energy metric (measurement) systems. Energy metrics are needed before, during, and after any system or site changes, in order to be able to demonstrate true project or overall progress. However, many organizations are not sufficiently informed about which system of metrics to use, especially at the site level, to show true energy savings progress.
You will gain an understanding of how to properly measure energy use and energy management program progress. It will discuss simple to very complex energy metric systems, providing real-world examples of successfully employed energy metric programs. The instructor will show you how to define and simplify the inputs and outputs of each individual metric. You will also see clear illustrations of what the energy data itself can tell if it is organized and analyzed correctly.
You will leave this course with a much clearer understanding of how to organize, and analyze energy data, and how to optimally use energy metric systems that make true sense for your organization. Drawing from his more than 20 years experience preparing and analyzing comprehensive energy metrics, your instructor will empower you with practical tips to help you simplify and improve your overall program, show you several important energy metric “do’s and don’ts,” and give you the opportunity to get expert answers to your specific energy metric questions.
General - Energy Data
• Why Energy Metrics - Performance Management, ISO 14001/50001, etc.
• Types of Data to Collect, Use
• Understanding Utility Bills
• How to Easily Obtain Utility Data
• What Utility Data to Use for Metrics
• Data Frequency Considerations
Metrics Overview
• Metric Types to Cover-Overview
• Macro (Full Site) Metrics
• Micro (Sub-Section) Metrics
• Submetering Considerations
• Utility Specific Metrics, Including Compressed Air, Steam, etc.
• To Cover for Each Metric:
--How to prepare, with examples
--Reasons, when to use
--Problems with use
--How to improve its use
--How to analyze (or how to let the data tell its true story)
Basic Energy Metrics
• Point in Time, Month to Month, Year to Year
• 12 Month Averaging
Basic Relational Metrics
• Degree Day (DD) Explanations
• Balance Point Temperature
• Weather Normalization Using DD
--Heating Degree Days (HDD)
--Cooling Degree Days (CDD)
• Simple Production Normalization
Energy Metrics and Benchmarking
• Energy Use Intensity (EUI) - When and How to Use
• Self Comparison - Reasons, Problems, Examples
• Comparison to Others - Reasons, Problems, Examples
• EPA Energy Star - Explained, Examples
• Other Normalized Benchmarks, such as BTU / Sq. Ft. / HDD
Intermediate/Advanced Metric Systems
• Cumulative Sum Analysis (CUSUM)
• Combined Metrics
--12 month averages and HDD or CDD
--Production and weather (two effect)
• Multiple Product Normalization
• Specialized Metrics such as Compressed Air
• Action, Departmental Metrics
Commercial Metric System Considerations
• Generic Types
• General Considerations - Costs, etc.
Typical Problems with Energy Metrics
• How to Recognize and Manage Non- Alignment
• How to Define and Manage Metrics Overload
• Ensuring Data Equality, and Ease of Use
• Metric Generation - How Often, by Whom
Summary and Further Examples
Lourerio Energy Team
Provides end users with cost-effective energy use and carbon footprint reduction plans and help clients implement these plans to achieve substantial energy reduction. They have experience with over 1,000 manufacturing clients and have an in-depth understanding of a variety of industrial processes. They provide energy assistance through a wide variety of programs which they tailor to integrate with existing management systems. Their services are led by professionals with years of practical experience who have managed energy at facilities ranging from individual sites to large worldwide organizations. They have senior design members who have engineered and installed energy-efficient systems, including renewable energy fuel cells.
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