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About Seminar (2 modules, 2hrs each)
This course was recorded from a live webinar that may include discussions from attendees.
This webinar will discuss the various types of energy data gathering devices and data loggers, including power (KW), energy (KWH), state, lighting, temperature,HVAC, CO2, compressed air, steam, plug load, flow and other important data logging systems. The instructor will review how and where to use the various types for optimum results, and clarify important application aspects and limitations. The underlying principles covered will apply both to portable data gathering/logging, as well as to semi-permanent, and permanent applications.
Energy auditing typically includes gathering energy use data, often through the use of data loggers and other data gathering equipment. Data loggers come in many different types, shapes, sizes, and capabilities. As a result of all the new advances in electronics, energy systems data logging is becoming more the norm than the exception within manufacturing and commercial energy auditing. For example, a typical/possible first step to permanent data logging is the use of portable data loggers, as the portable logging step often defines where and when permanent logging might be needed, where it makes good sense, or even where it is required aspart of a measurement and verification protocol.
You will leave this session with a much clearer understanding of all energy data loggers, how to use the obtain and analyze the data from these devices, their costs and applications, and how you might best apply these within your energy auditing and energy reduction projects.
Definition of data gathering/logging
Why and when to use energy data logging
Defining amount of use (AOU) and time of use (TOU)
Metrics Identification and Generation -begin with an end in mind
Data gathering/logging and energy audits (e.g., ASHRAE Level 1, Level 2,Level 3)
Data logging and ISO 50001
Where to use data loggers
Portable versus permanent
Safe installation of data loggers
Placement of data loggers
Proper time of data captureInterval of data capture
Types of data loggers, and approximate cost
Using logger data for metric generation, examples
Analysis and use of the data
- Calculation methodologies and use examples by data logging type:
- Power (KW)• Energy (KWH)
- Amperage (current)• Motor state
- Temperature HVAC
- CO2
- Lighting - occupancy
- Lighting - amount
- Lighting on/off
- Lighting combinations
- Compressed air - leaks
- Compressed air - power
- Compressed air - energy
- Steam
- Plug load
- Others
Lessons learned from 200+ sites
Summary and conclusions
Lourerio Energy Team
Provides end users with cost-effective energy use and carbon footprint reduction plans and help clients implement these plans to achieve substantial energy reduction. They have experience with over 1,000 manufacturing clients and have an in-depth understanding of a variety of industrial processes. They provide energy assistance through a wide variety of programs which they tailor to integrate with existing management systems. Their services are led by professionals with years of practical experience who have managed energy at facilities ranging from individual sites to large worldwide organizations. They have senior design members who have engineered and installed energy-efficient systems, including renewable energy fuel cells.
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