Earn 8 PDH | .8 CEU
Brief Program Description and Objectives:
Pre-requisite: Basic Science and Engineering knowledge
Module 1: Time/Duration: 2 hours.
Brief Program Description and Objectives:
This course caters, mainly, to Engineers, Technicians and Facilities Managers who are not intimately familiar with Thermodynamics Principles and Practices. Through this course, attendees are expected to learn basic principles of thermodynamics in a simple, easy to understand, format. Participants will be introduced to the energy unit system and basic laws employed in the study of thermodynamics. Attendees will be introduced or refreshed on the various forms of energy that interplay in thermodynamic system analysis. The important interaction between energy and work is explained through a case study. Differences between real gases and ideal gases are explained. Application of ideal gas laws in thermodynamic analysis is covered. Efficiency assessment in thermodynamic and electromechanical systems is discussed. Portions of this course are referenced on the text titled: Thermodynamics Made Simple for Energy Engineers,” by S. Bobby Rauf.
Topics to be covered
- Energy and Work in thermodynamic systems
- Various energy components in thermodynamic systems
- Fundamental energy laws
- Units and unit conversion in thermodynamics
- Work, specific work and power
- Ideal gas analysis
- Efficiency and the flow of energy or power in thermodynamic and electromechanical systems
- Concept of specific heat and its application in computation of heat associated with temperature changes.
Module 2: Time/Duration: 2 hours.
Brief Program Description and Objectives:
Attendees are introduced or refreshed on the basic terminology and concepts involved in thermodynamic system analysis, e.g. enthalpy, entropy, heat of fusion, heat of sublimation, etc., illustrated through examples and case study. Audience is introduced to saturated and superheated steam tables. Understanding and the use of steam tables is covered through examples and discussion. Phases of substances are explained. The thermodynamic significance associated with the transition of water through subcooled, saturated liquid, saturated vapor and superheated vapor phases is illustrated through use of a temperature-enthalpy graph. The concepts of critical and triple points are explained. Participants are introduced to the Mollier’s diagram and its application is illustrated. Open and closed thermodynamic systems are defined. Portions of this course are referenced on the text titled: Thermodynamics Made Simple for Energy Engineers,” by S. Bobby Rauf.
Topics to be covered
- Energy unit conversion methods, factors and illustration
- Additional terminology, concepts and principles associated with thermodynamic systems
- Enthalpy, entropy, heat of fusion, sublimation, evaporation, etc.
- Phases of water and enthalpy vs. temperature based classifications
- Critical and triple point properties
- Saturated and superheated steam tables
- Mollier diagram
Module 3: Time/Duration: 2 hours.
Brief Program Description and Objectives:
The law of conservation of energy is applied to open and closed thermodynamic systems, and equations necessary for analysis are derived. The SFEE equation is derived and expanded to the form applicable for thermodynamic analysis of steam turbine based systems. Participants are introduced to the second law of thermodynamics. Concept of heat engine is introduced. Heat engine cycles are explained and illustrated. Cogen cycles are explained. Strategy for analyzing thermodynamic systems is explained through the introduction of a case study.
Topics to be covered
- Open and closed thermodynamic systems
- SFEE, Steady Flow Energy Equation
- Thermodynamic processes
- Carnot and Rankin heat engine cycles
- Mechanical and graphical illustration of Rankin cycle
- Cogeneration cycles
- Steam turbine design concept
- Flow chart approach in analysis of thermodynamic processes and systems
Module 4: Time/Duration: 2 hours.
Brief Program Description and Objectives:
Strategy for analyzing thermodynamic systems and assessing their feasibility is explained through a case study from “Thermodynamics Made Simple for Energy Engineers,” by S. Bobby Rauf. This “capstone” case study allows participants of this course an opportunity to get an insight into the use of different laws, principles, equations and methods for computation of heat energy and mass flow rate. This case study is further used to illustrate determination of energy cost for thermodynamic systems operation. Psychrometry and psychrometric charts are introduced and their application for HVAC system analysis is explained. The application of psychrometric charts is illustrated through a case study. Refrigeration cycle is explained and its four stages are discussed. Automated HVAC systems architecture is discussed and illustrated. Use of pressure-enthalpy diagram for refrigerant system performance analysis is illustrated through discussion on DuPont ® 134a pressure-enthalpy graph.
Topics to be covered
- Strategy for analyzing thermodynamics systems and processes
- Psychrometry and psychrometric charts for HVAC system analysis
- HVAC parameters and their definitions
- Refrigeration cycle and its four stages
- Automated HVAC systems and components
- Pressure-enthalpy graph based refrigerant performance analysis
Bobby Rauf, P.E, C.E.M, MBA
Bobby Rauf is the President, Chief Consultant and a Senior Instructor at Sem-Train, LLC. He is a licensed Professional Engineer, in the State of North Carolina and is a Certified Energy Manager.
Mr. Rauf was inducted as “Legend in Energy” by AEE, in 2014. He is a published author of multiple engineering and energy books and professional development courses and holds a patent in process controls technology. He’s a member of ASEE, American Society of Engineering Education.
Mr. Rauf develops and instructs professional development or continuing education, energy and engineering skill building, and engineering cross-training courses. Some of his major clients include accredited universities in the US and abroad, major US and international corporations, and governmental institutions. He is also an Adjunct Professor at Gardner-Webb University.
During his long career with PPG Industries, Inc. as Senior Staff Engineer, his responsibilities included development and management of energy and ergonomics programs for multiple manufacturing plants, in the US and overseas. He also provided consultation and training services in the energy, electrical engineering, industrial safety, ergonomics and arc flash arena.
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