About Seminar (4 modules, 2hrs each)
This course was recorded from a live webinar that may include discussions from attendees.
This on demand course is designed to bring energy professionals up to speed on the impact of big data and analytics as they apply to energy management. Participants will then learn how data analytics technologies, such as building automation, web services, and middleware, can produce huge energy savings, how to leverage these technologies and, equally importantly, how to ensure that energy projects actually fulfill their expected results. Big data is one of today’s most exciting technology developments. In terms of its impact on the energy field, it has already begun the process of positively transforming the discipline of energy management. Building and facility professionals facing ever-increasing energy and operational costs are sure to benefit from this thoroughly informative and detailed overview of these critical developments in energy management and engineering.
The program will also be valuable for engineers, designers and managers trying to make sense of, and select from, the myriad of products, solutions, and services now available.Interoperable building systems are an optimal source of data for analytics, and the materials covered in the Online Webinar will provide valuable guidance on the techniques and approaches necessary to achieve this interoperability in buildings and campuses. Also addressed are important trends currently affecting building energy and analytics, such as Project Haystack and the Internet of Things.You will leave this program with valuable and practical new and expanded knowledge which you can apply right away in your efforts to improve your energy management and cost reduction results.
Introduction: Big Data and Analytics
• Big Data Technology
• Introduction to Analytics Technology and
Key applications
--Energy management
--Fault detection and diagnostics
--Compliances with standards (environmental, Joint Commission for Hospitals, etc.)
--Vendor management (HVAC service, facility management, etc.)
• Underlying Technologies and Standards Critical to Effective Analytics
• New Technologies Driving Use of Analytics: Clean Energy Plan Building Standards
Overview Energy Management and Electricity
• Smart Grid and Electricity Trends
• Energy Efficiency and Demand Response
• Energy Resiliency and Its Impact on Electricity and Natural Gas
• Microgrids and Current Status of Onsite Generation
• Enterprise Zones for Energy: Renewables, Energy Markets and Energy Management
• Policy and Legislation Driving Big Data such as Performance Standards
Energy Triple Threat
• Energy Markets and Consumption Patterns
• Utility Infrastructure and Customer Impacts
• Energy Technology Upgrades and Finance Impact
• USGBC and PEER (Performance Excellence in Electricity Renewal)
Analytics and Dashboards
• Introduction to Visualization Technology Overview
• Introduction to Analytics and Approaches to Optimization
Dashboards and Visualization Tools
• Technology and Applications
• Simulation Tools
• Kiosks, Computer based Apps and Mobile Technologies
Analytics for Energy Management
• Energy Efficiency and Conservation: Baselines and Benchmarking
--Interval data vs. utility billing analysis
--Setting metrics and KPIs
--Data access and analysis process
--Targeted application evaluation and process evaluation
• Electricity Resiliency and Management in a “Triple Threat” World
--KPI’s for effective electricity management, procurement and resilience
--Analytics for automated demand response and demand management
--Utilizing analytics for economic and reliability strategies to manage microgrids
--Integrating efficiency and distributed generation using analytics
Analytics for Equipment Fault Detection & Diagnostics (FD&D)
• Preventative Maintenance
• Predictive Maintenance
• Interval Data vs. Utility Billing Analysis Intelligent Buildings and Big Data
• Building Technology Architecture
• System Analysis and Data Evaluation for Optimization
• Analytics Data Determination and Integration
• Understanding Data and Systems Architecture
Key Underlying Technologies
• Technologies: Multi-Tiered Building Automation, Meter Data Management, CMMS, other
• Middleware
• Information Technology and Computer Network
• BAS Market
• Legacy and Open/Standard Technology Evaluation
• BADDC Network Management, Equipment and Zone Systems
• Control / Automation Applications
• Active Energy and Analytics
Digital Communication for Building Technology
• Protocols and Data Networking
• Architecture and Data Communications
• Internet and Web Services
• Energy Analytics and Data Access
• Middleware Technology Definition and Market
• Legacy System and Visualization Interface
• Network Systems and Data Analytics System Integration
• BAS Architecture Integration
• Integrating Legacy Systems For Optimization and Data Access
• Energy Management, Sustainability and Analytics
Analytics Tools, Internet of Things and Standards Driving the Future
• Optimization and Data Access via Multi- Disciplinary System Organization
• Data Standards and Next Generation Building and Campus Systems
Internet of Things
• Definition and Context
• Trends Driving the Internet of Things and Building Opportunities
• Internet of Everything Meeting Intranet Building Systems for Energy Management
Analytics Tools
• Energy and Analytics Best Practices
• Cloud Computing and Software as a Services for Energy Management
• BAS, Middleware and HVAC-Centric Solutions
• Dashboard and API Solutions
Analytics for Measurement and Verification
• IPMVP and M&V Science Meets Analytics
• Proactive and Predictive M&V
• M&V and 21st Century Electricity Markets and Management
Case Studies
• Microgrid Campus University
• Envision Charlotte
• Microsoft - 88 Acres
About Instructors
Steve Evans is a seasoned professional in the facilities automation, optimization and energy management domain. He has extensive experience in big data for real estate and recently led the design and development of a facilities and energy management data platform including normalizing and storing disparate data from utility invoices, interval energy meters and facilities asset operational data. His experience also includes data tagging and analytics engines with displayed results in a customizable data visualization user interface. Anno Scholten, C.E.M, C.D.S.M, is Founder and President of Connexx Energy Inc., a leading developer of applications and solutions that connect Smart Buildings with the Smart Grid. Anno has spent the last 25years driving innovation in smart building systems and smart grid technologies. He has developed leading edge, smart grid energy products for the commercial building markets that have included automated demand response systems and demand side energy solutions. As Founder of Connexx Energy, he has focused on ‘last-mile’ connectivity and big-data solutions for smart buildings. Brendon Dorn is a Performance Analyst with HGA Architects and Engineers. He supports engineering and architecture disciplines using economic analysis and data science to develop new services and validate existing design. He is a candidate for MA-Economics from UW-Milwaukee and his forthcoming thesis is on the effects of benchmarking policies on building energy consumption. He teaches a data analytics workshop at UW-Milwaukee and has also served as adjunct faculty at a local technical college in theSocial Sciences department.