Earn 8 PDH | .8 CEU (Total course 4 modules, 2 hours each)
Module 1 - Importance of Safety, Debunking the Myths, Elevated Work, Identification and Quantification of Risk
Brief Program Description and Objectives:
Through this course, participants are expected to learn the importance of safety and how to dispel the myths and misunderstandings associated with the safety and safe work practices. The participants are exposed to method for relatively objective assessment of risk, and subsequent determination of corrective actions. This course gives attendees and participants the opportunity to learn best practices and the “do’s” and “don’ts” of common, routine, straight forward, yet high risk tasks involving elevated work.
Topics to be covered:
- Importance of safety in industrial facilities, specific areas of commercial and institutional facilities and on construction work associated with initial establishment or significant revamping or infrastructure.
- Dispelling common misperceptions and myths associated with safe work practices.
- Method and protocols for safety risk assessments.
- Vital best practices associated with elevated work.
Module 2 - Importance of 5-S Process, Personal Protective Equipment, Risk of Arc Flash Incidents and Associated Preventive and Protective Measures.
Brief Program Description and Objectives:
Through this course, participants are expected to learn about the 5-S or 5-C process and its benefits that extend beyond safety. Participants will be introduced to arc flash phenomenon and arc faults, their potential consequences, NFPE 70 E, and Arc Flash Personal Protective Equipment.
Topics to be covered:
- 5 – S or 5 – C Process - Its safety, productivity and quality benefits
- PPE, Personal Protective Equipment, and its proper use.
- Introduction to Arc Flash and NFPA 70 E
Module 3 - Workplace Environment Health and Safety, Safety Devices, Fire Classifications, Extinguishers, SPCC and RCRA
Brief Program Description and Objectives:
Through this course, participants are expected to learn about importance of workplace environment health and safety, and how to prevent and mitigate environmental health and safety hazards. Participants are introduced to some of the more common contemporary electronic and electrical safety devices. Attendees learn about classifications of fire and suitable extinguishers. Reportable spill or release incidents, spill prevention measures and countermeasures are discussed. Participants will learn what constitutes a hazardous material and hazardous waste
Topics to be covered:
- Workplace environment health and safety
- Safety sensors and controls
- Fire classifications and selection of a proper fire extinguisher
- Spill Prevention, Control and Countermeasures (SPCC)
- Hazardous Waste, RCRA
Module 4 - Emergency Action Plan, Lock-Out Tag-Out and Ergonomics in Workplace
Brief Program Description and Objectives:
Through this course, participants are expected to learn about emergency action plans and protocols. Best practices associated with lock-out and tag-out of equipment and protocols, are discussed. With the mean age of workers rising, labor intensive and non-labor intensive workplaces alike, are incurring musculoskeletal disorders, resulting in workers’ comp costs. This segment of the program introduces the participants to the field of ergonomics, its premise and how to incorporate ergonomics in workplace, in task set-ups, task scheduling, in tools, equipment and furnishings.
Topics to be covered:
- Emergency Action Plan
- LOTO, Lock out Tag out
- Ergonomics in Industrial/Commercial Environment
Bobby Rauf, P.E, C.E.M, MBA
Bobby Rauf is the President, Chief Consultant and a Senior Instructor at Sem-Train, LLC. He is a licensed Professional Engineer, in the State of North Carolina and is a Certified Energy Manager.
Mr. Rauf develops and instructs professional development or continuing education, energy and engineering skill building, and engineering cross-training courses. Some of his major clients include accredited universities in the US and abroad, major US and international corporations, and governmental institutions. He is also an Adjunct Professor at Gardner-Webb University. During his long career with PPG Industries, Inc. as Senior Staff Engineer, his responsibilities included development and management of energy and ergonomics programs for multiple manufacturing plants, in the US and overseas. He also provided consultation and training services in the energy, electrical engineering, industrial safety, ergonomics and arc flash arena.
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