HVAC Clean Air Test and Balance - On Demand

Regular price $395.00

 Earn 6 PDH | .6 CEU 
This course was recorded from a live webinar that may include discussions from attendees. 


Providing Required Airflow to Conditioned Spaces for Comfort and Health

This course explains and shows how to test and adjust the airflow in commercial heating, ventilating, and air conditioning (hvac) systems. For the health and comfort of the building’s occupants hvac systems must provide the correct amount of airflow into and out of conditioned spaces to ensure acceptable temperature, humidity and volume of cooling, heating, and ventilation air.

Recently there have been discussion about changes to percent of outside air (OA) aka fresh air, air changes per hour, and room pressurization in buildings. The amount of ventilation air (outside air) was at one time approximately 10%.  This means that the mixed air going into and through the HVAC filters, cooling coils, heating coils, and into the conditioned space as supply air was  90% return air volume and 10% OA volume. As energy costs increase there is a push-pull between energy management and indoor air quality. An increase in energy cost means the cost to heat and cool the OA goes up. On the energy management side, when energy cost increased the percent of OA was lowered In some buildings to 5%

And buildings were built tighter, with non-operable windows and we had sick building syndrome in the 1980’s and 90’s. Then the OA percentage went back to 10-15%, and sometimes higher, 20% OA. Whatever the amount of ventilation air is required for a particular system and time it is the test and balance people that test and set that requirement.

 Office buildings are typically designed for 5 to 10 air changes per hour (ACH). With less than 5 ACH occupants may complain that the air is stuffy or that they detect body or equipment odors. More than 10 ACH may cause drafts and occupants, especially workers seated at a desk, may feel cold air movement across their bodies. Many hvac engineers design for 7.5 ACH. Medical authorities have called for more air changes per hour in office buildings, schools, etc.

 In some buildings room pressurization may be a critical factor. An example is a hospital where the operating rooms must have a positive room pressure and intensive care units (ICUs) may require a negative pressure. Other buildings with special conditioned spaces that require either a negative or a positive pressure are labs and clean rooms facilities. The typical office has a slight positive pressure and room pressure is not tested.

 In this course you will learn about testing and balancing the ventilation air, the return air, and the heated and cooled supply air for each conditioned space’s air volume in cubic feet be minute (cfm), air changes per hour (ACH) and room pressurization and how to make changes when required. Whether it is conditioned space air volume, air changes per hour, or pressurization it is test and balance professionals that do the testing and make changes.

Course Objectives


  1. The major air side components in an HVAC system.
  2. General HVAC and test and balance terminology.
  3. The four centrifugal fans used in HVAC systems.
  4. The instruments used in test and balance.
  5. The report forms used in test and balance.
  6. Basic test and balance calculations.


  1. How to do a field inspection.                                                                                      
  2. How to test fan and duct pressures.
  3. How to change airflow at fans and in the air distribution system.
  4. How to Test and Balance Constant Air Volume Systems.
  5. How to Test and Balance Variable Air Volume Systems.
  6. How to recognize when a test and balance report may have inconsistencies.


Introduction to Test and Balance of HVAC Air Systems and Terminology
Heating, Ventilating, and Air Conditioning Systems
Test and Balance Procedure
Test Instruments and Test Report Forms
Field Inspection
Testing Fan Speed
Testing Fan Pressures
Testing Duct Pressures
Balance Report Forms
Setting Volume Dampers
Setting Temperature Controls
Terminal Velocity Instruments
Terminal Volume Instruments
Balancing Constant Air Volume (CAV) Systems
Balancing Variable Air Volume (VAV) Systems
Finalize Test and Balance
Test and Balance Math

This course is for HVAC and facility or maintenance engineers, managers, and technicians, energy and indoor air quality managers or professionals, and any related professionals interested in knowing how to: Make or call for changes to increase or decrease airflow for room supply and return air volume, air changes per hour, pressurization, and ventilation.
Do air test and balance.
Understand the test and balance reports. Do an inhouse check of the air balance.


ABOUT THE INSTRUCTOR                                                                                                

SAMUEL C. SUGARMAN, C.T.A.B., C.E.M., C.D.S.M., C.I.A.Q.M., is an internationally recognized HVAC and TAB consultant, instructor and author. He has consulted on projects for testing and balancing, performance evaluation, design, retrofit and commissioning of HVAC systems for cleanroom facilities, corporate headquarters, government facilities, office complexes, hotels, hospitals, fume hood labs, major retail establishments, military installations, nuclear power plants, private and public schools, colleges and universities.   Mr. Sugarman was an adjunct professor at San Diego City College, and has also instructed over 250 HVAC, TAB and energy management training programs and seminars for various organizations, including AEE, ASHRAE, and the National Energy Management Institute. He has authored several books and training manuals on topics in the areas of his expertise and has received numerous awards and special recognition for his accomplishments. He currently serves as Board Chairman of the International Registry of CTAB Professionals.


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